The Search For

One's Ancestry

From ancient times

to the present

The Origins
Of Genealogy

Genealogy, the act of tracing and recording the history of families and their lines of descent, has ancient roots dating back to the earliest times in human history. Its origins can be found in various ancient cultures, civilizations and religions around the world.

Ancient Egypt

One of the earliest evidences of genealogical practices dates back to ancient
Egypt, where it was believed that knowledge of one's ancestry was important to ensure a proper burial and a successful passage into the afterlife. Pharaohs and noble families kept records of their descendants to preserve their social status and inheritance rights.


Ancient mesopotamian civilizations, such as the Sumerians and the Babylonians, also kept genealogical records, often for administrative and religious purposes. Records dating back to these cultures contain lists of kings, rulers, and nobles along with their genealogies.

The Classical Age

In the classical age, Romans kept detailed records of their patrician families, known as "genealogiae," which were important for determining social status and inheritance rights.

The Middle Ages

During the European Middle Ages, the aristocracy continued to keep detailed family trees to trace their ancestry and hereditary rights. These family trees often included coats of arms and distinctive symbols.

Genealogy & Religion

Many religious traditions also have a long history of interest in genealogy. For example, in Christianity, the Gospels of Matthew and Luke include genealogies of Jesus Christ, tracing his lineage back to David and Abraham. In Jewish tradition, genealogy is a very important theme in establishing tribal identity and descent.

Modern Age

Over time, genealogy has become a more structured and science-based discipline, with the use of primary sources such as birth, marriage and death records, church records, censuses and other historical documents to trace lines of descent.

Contemporary History

Today, genealogy has become a popular pastime and a field of academic research, with many resources available online and in specialized libraries for those who want to explore their family roots.

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